1112學期 課程基本資料/Course Information
系所 / 年級 |
通識課程 1年級 |
課號 / 班別 |
GOG00410 / A |
學分數 |
2學分 |
選 / 必修 |
通識 |
科目中文名稱 |
全球公民與文化素養-2 |
科目英文名稱 |
Global citizenship and Culture Literacy |
主要授課老師 |
黃保羅 |
開課期間 |
一學年之上學期 |
人數上限 |
50 人 |
已選人數 |
12 人 |
課程種類 |
一般課 |
課程類別 |
校定 |
學程 |
通識博雅課程-社會類 |
全英授課 |
否 |
起始週 / 結束週 / 上課地點 / 上課時間
第1週 / 第18週 / M415 / 星期3第3節
第1週 / 第18週 / M415 / 星期3第4節
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教學綱要/syllabus |
第一部分/Part I(※依課程委員會審議之內容決議填入) |
一、教學目標所要達成之能力培養項目: [依據課程委員會審議通過之課程與基本素養/核心能力關聯表填寫] |
Item |
基本素養/核心能力 Core Literacy/Core Competencies |
相關性 Relevance |
高度相關 |
中度相關 |
1 |
問題解決能力 |
. |
2 |
獨立思辨能力 |
. |
. |
3 |
團隊合作與溝通能力 |
. |
4 |
自主學習能力 |
. |
. |
5 |
跨領域整合能力 |
. |
. |
6 |
跨文化瞭解能力 |
. |
7 |
生活美學能力 |
. |
. |
SDGs Item |
SDGs目標 SDGs goal |
SDGs描述 SDGs description |
無相關項目 No related items |
二、教學目標 (Objective) |
To understand global issues through the use of English. Students will gain a knowledge in a wide range of issues in areas as politics, art, science, history, sciences and other disciplines.
1. Range: Units will have a range of levels. This is to provide some confidence to lower level students while at the same time challenging them. It will also provide some challenge for higher level students.
2. Accuracy: Students will gain accuracy in English vocabulary including specialized vocabulary, grammar, reading skills, critical thinking skills, listening skills, and a more detailed understanding of specific global issues.
1. There will be lectures given showing the importance of these issues. This will motivate students to see the relevance of the issues.
2. Some issues will present both sides of the issues – the pros and cons – thereby creating interest and critical thinking skills in a debate like fashion.
3. Students will have a range of teaching methods presented to them as lectures, small group discussion, videos, varied issues, readings that are varied in levels and interest, websites they can look at, and images that will help them “see” the topics clearer.
三、符合教學目標之課程內容設計 |
3. Course Description
(A) General Description:
1. This course is set out for high level learners at the intermediate level in the science and technology departments of Asia University within an English for General Specific Purposes Program (EGSP) in the hopes that they will be grow in their English language development of their majors for their future jobs. Since English is the international language, more and more countries as well as companies use English as a medium for communication in both spoken and written form. Therefore, Asia University hopes that this course can better prepare its students for their future jobs by introducing them to this specific English component, which can be useful later in their lives when applying English to their workplace in the hopes of making students more competent and competitive in their workplaces.
2. In addition, this course focuses on the four main English learning skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening), especially reading, but there is also a lot of vocabulary for students to learn since vocabulary learning for low level students is a key learning strategy for them to develop into better language learners because all the other four areas of language development, especially in an course for specific language learning, is somewhat dependent upon understanding the vocabulary used. However, it is important to note that the vocabulary, while being learned in isolation in the beginning stages, will later be integrated into the other four skills of language development since real language development takes place when vocabulary is used in larger contexts, especially those used in scenarios that resemble practical, real-life situations.
Teachers will be using supplemental materials of their own choice to supplement the textbook in order to better meet the specific needs of the students and to focus in on a curriculum that is directly related to students’ future needs in the workplace.
(B) Project-Based Teaching and Evaluation :
(1) The Ministry of Education called for General English teaching reformation plans in multicultural context, and the Center (for the Development of Language Teaching and Research) sent out a new course plan under the title "Global Citizenship & Cultural Literacy." Moving beyond four skills, the course will emphasize on "critical thinking," introducing global issues to our students and asking them to consider then to respond to these issues.
(2) Project-Based learning and /or problem-based learning are also components to this course. Asia University wishes its students to be understand more about global topics. Since this course focuses on science and technology, projects will focus on this specific area. In this way, students will be able to use their prior knowledge and experience to apply to a project or problem while presenting their ideas in English.
(3) At least one (1) Project Based Learning (PBL) exercise should be incorporated into the lessons by the instructor. The exact content and material of the project is left to the instructor’s discretion. |
四、先修科目 (Pre Course) |
N/A |
第二部分/Part II |
一、多元教學方法 (Teaching Method) |
二、多元教學方法與教育目標的連結 |
三、參考書目 (Reference) [符合教學目標之參考書目] |
四、教學進度 (Syllabi) [符合教學目標之教學進度] |
五、多元評量方法 (Evaluation) [所勾選評量方法之評分加總為100分] |
六、多元評量方法與教育目標的連結 |
七、講義位址(http://) |