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1031學期 課程基本資料/Course Information

系所 / 年級
經管系碩  1年級
課號 / 班別
83M00004 / B
選 / 必修
Marketing management
20 人
5 人

起始週 / 結束週 / 上課地點 / 上課時間

第1週 / 第18週 / A106 / 星期2第06節
第1週 / 第18週 / A106 / 星期2第07節
第1週 / 第18週 / A106 / 星期2第08節

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第一部分/Part I(※依課程委員會審議之內容決議填入)

基本素養/核心能力 Core Literacy/Core Competencies 相關性 Relevance
高度相關 中度相關
專業能力 tick


溝通能力 tick


分析與問題解決能力 tick


倫理觀 tick


國際觀 tick


     1.透過小組討論,加深學生對於行銷管理的認知 2.透過個案參訪,使學生能更進一步了解實務上行銷管理的技巧。 3.透過期刊閱讀,使學生能學習學術方面的行銷管理。
1.21世紀的行銷策略 2.開發與規劃行銷策略 3.從市場中獲得行銷相關訊息 4.行銷研究與預測需求 5.了解顧客價值、滿意度與忠誠度 6.分析消費市場 7.定義市場區隔與目標 8.創造品牌忠誠度與品牌定位 9.設定價格策略、管理策略、服務管理
(Pre Course)

第二部分/Part II

(Teaching Method)
 由學生自訂學習目標與抱負水準  案例或故事討論  講述
 服務學習  學生課後書面報告  小組討論  參訪
 學生上台報告  腦力激盪  學生實作  角色演練
 習題練習  影片欣賞與討論  採訪  e化教學
 審議式民主  觀察與資料收集  一分鐘回饋  其他
二、參考書目 (Reference)
Text book:
1. Marketing Management an Asian Perspective( fifth edition) by Philip Kotle al.,
Reference books:
2. Marketing Management(fourth edition) by Russell S. Winer and Ravi Dhar.
3. Marketing Management (seventh edition) by Peter and Donnelly.
4. Driven by David kiley.
5. Howard Schulez with Joanne Gordon.
6. Michael Lewis Money Ball.
7. The Myth of Market Share by Richard Miniter.
8. What Would Google do by Jeff Jarvis.
9. The Southwest Airlines Way by Jody Hoffer Gittell.
10. The Starbucks Experience by Joseph A. Michelli.
Reading books:
1. Rohit Deshpande and John U. Farley, “Measuring Market Orientation: Generalization and Synthesis.” Journal of Marketing Management, 1998, pp. 213-232.
2. Michael E. Porter and Mark R. Kramer, “Strategy and Society: The Link between Competitive Advantage and Corporate Social Responsibility.” Harvard Business Review, December 2006, pp. 78-92.
3. C. K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel, “ The Core Competence of the Corporation.” Harvard Business Review, May-June 1990, pp. 79-91.
4. Michael E. Porter, “ What is Strategy?” Harvard Business Review, November-December 1996, pp.61-78.
5. Christine Moorman, Gerald Zaltman, and Rohit Deshpande, “Relationship Between Providers and Users of Market Research: The Dynamics of Trust Within and Between Organizations.” Journal of Marketing Research, August 1992, 29, pp. 314-328.
6. Norman Dalkey and Olaf Helmer, “An Experimental Application of the Delphi Method to the Use of Expert.” Management Science, April 1963, pp. 458-467.
7. Werner J. Reinartz and V. Kumar, “The Impact of Customer Relationship Characteristics on Profitable Lifetime Duration.” Journal of Marketing, January 2003, 67, pp. 77-99.
8. Alan W. H. Grant and Leopard A. Schlesinger, “Realize Your Customer’s Full Profit Potential.” Harvard Business Review, September-October 1995, pp. 59-72.
9. Jennifer Aaker, “Dimensions of Brand Personality.” Journal of Marketing Research, August 1997, 34, pp. 347-356.
10. Chris Janiszewski and Stiju M. J. Osselar,” A Connectionist Model of Brand-Quality Association.” Journal of Marketing Research, August 2000, pp. 331-351.
11. Frederick E. Webster Jr. and Kevin Lane Keller, “A Roadmap For Branding in Industrial Markets.” Journal of Brand Management, May 2004, 11, pp. 388-402.
12. Daniel J. Flint, Robert B. Woodruff, and Sarah Fisher Gardial, “Exploring the Phenomenon of Customers’ Desired Value Change in a Business-to-Business Context.” Journal of Marketing, 66, October 2002, pp. 102-117.
13. Tevfik Dalgic and Maarten Leeuw, “Niche Marketing Revisited: Concept, Applications, and Some European Cases. “ European Journal of Marketing, 1994, 28 (4), pp. 39-55.
14. Bart Macchiette and Roy Abhijit, “Sensitive Groups and Social Issues.” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 1994, 11(4), pp. 55-64.
15. Susan Fournier, “Consumers and Their Brands: Developing Relationship Theory in Consumer Research.” Journal of Consumer Research, March 1998, pp. 343-373.
16. Niraj Dawar, “What Are Brans Good For?” MIT Sloan Management Review, Fall 2004, pp. 31-37.
17. Venkatesh Shankar, Gregory S. Carpenter, Lakshman Krishnamurthi, “Late Mover Advantage: How Innovative Late Entrants Outsell Pioneers.” Journal of Marketing Research, February 1998, 35, pp. 54-70.
18. Sungwook Min, Manohar U. Kalwani, and William T. Robinson, “Market Pioneer and Early Follower Survival Risks: A Contingency Analysis of Really New Versus Incrementally New Product-Markets.” Journal of Marketing, January 2006, 70, pp.15-35.
19. Jose Antonio Rosa, Joseph F. Porac, Jelena Runser-Spanjol, and Michael S. Saxon, “Sociocognitive Dynamics in a Product Market.” Journal of Marketing, 1999, 63, Special issue, pp. 64-77.
20. Some of these bases are discussed in David A. Garvin, “Competing on the Eight Dimensions of Quality.” Harvard Business Review, November-December 1987, pp.101-109.
21. Linda Hellofs and Robert Jacobson, “Market Share and Customer’s Perceptions of Quality: When Can Firms Grow Their Way to Higher Versus Lower Quality?” Journal of Marketing, January 1999, 63, pp. 16-25.
22. Robert Bordley, “Determining the Appropriate Dept and Breath of a Firm’s Product Portfolio.” Journal of Marketing Research, February 2003, 40, pp. 39-53.
23. Akshay R. Rao and Robert W. Ruekert, “Brand Alliances as Signals of Product Quality.” Sloan Management Review, Fall 1994, pp. 87-97.
24. Christian Gronroos, “A Service Quality Model and Its Marketing Implications.” European Journal of Marketing, 1984, 18(4), pp. 36-44.
25. Robert Ziethammer, “Forward-Looking Buying in Online Auctions.” Journal of Marketing Research, August 2006, 43, pp. 462-476.
26. Tammo H.A. Bijmolt, Harald J. Van Heerde, and Rik G.M. Pieters. “New Empirical Generalizations on the Determinants of Price Elasticity.” Journal of Marketing Research, May 2005, 42, pp. 141-156.
27. Rajiv Lal and R. Rao, “Supermarket Competition: The Case of Everyday Low Pricing.“ Marketing Science, 1997, 16(1), pp.60-80.
28. Jonathan D. Hibbard, Nirmalya Kumar, and Louis W. Stern, “Examining the Impact of Destructive Acts in Marketing Channel Relationships.” Journal of Marketing Research, February 2001, 38, pp.45-61.
29. Martin Holzwarth, Chris Janiszewski, and marcus M. Newmann, “The Influence of Avatars on Online Consumer Shopping Behavior.” Journal of Marketing, October 2006, 70, pp. 19-36.
30. Kenneth T. Rosen and Amanda L. Howard, “E-tail: Gold Rush or Fool’s Gold?” California Management Review, April 1, 2000, pp.72-100.
31. Demetrios Vakratsas and Tim Ambler “How Advertising Works: What Do We Really Know.” Journal of Marketing, January 1999, 63(1), pp. 26-43.
32. Ayn E. Crowley and Wayne D. Hoyer, “An Integrative Framework for Understanding Two-Sided Persuasion.” Journal of Consumer Research, March 1994, pp. 561-574.
33. Magz Osborne, “Asia multinationals-Structure: The Most Popular Methods Used for Successful Asian Marketing.” Advertising Age International, April 1, 2000.
34. Gerard J. Tellis, Rajesh Chandy, and Pattana Thaivanich, “Decomposing the Effects of Direct Advertising: Which Brands Works, When, Where, and How Long?” Journal of Marketing Research, February 2000, 37, pp. 32-46.
35. Demetrios Vakratsas, Fred M. Feinberg, Frank M. Bass, and Gurumurthy Kalyanaram, “The Shape of Advertising Response Functions Revisited: A Model of Dynamic Probabilistic Thresholds.” Marketing Science, Winter 2004, 23(1), pp. 109-19.
36. Kineta Hung, Flora Fang Gu, and David K. Tse, “Improving Media Decisions in China: A Targetability and Cost-Benefit Analysis.” Journal of Advertising, 2005, 34(1), pp. 49-63.
37. Eric T. Anderson and Duncan Simester, “The Long-Run Effects of Promotion Depth on New Versus Established Customers: Three Field Studies.” Marketing Science, Winter 2004, 23(1), pp. 4-20.
38. Peter J. Danaher, Guy W. Mullarkey, and Skander Essegaier, “Factors Affecting Web Site Visit Duration: A Cross-Domain Analysis.” Journal of Marketing Research, May 2006, 43, pp. 182-194.
39. Nitish Singh and Hisako Matsuo, “measuring Cultural Adaption on the Web: A Content Analytic Study of U.S. and Japanese Web Sites.” Journal of business Research, 2004, 57, pp.864-872.
40. Harald J. Van Heerde, Carl F. Mela, and Puneet Machanda, “The Dynamic Effect of Innovation on Market Structure.” Journal of Marketing Research, May 2004, 41, pp. 166-83.
41. Rajesh Sethi, Daniel C. Smith, and C. Whan Park, “Cross Functional Product Development Teams, Creativity, and the Innovativeness of New Consumers Products.” Journal of Marketing Research, February 2001, 38, pp. 73-85.
42. Carrie La-Ferle, Steven M. Edwards, and Yukata Mizuno, “Internet Diffusion in Japan: Cultural Considerations.” Journal of Advertising Research, 2002, 42(2), pp. 65-79.
43. Rajeev Batra, Venkatram Ramaswamy, Dan L. Alden, Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp, and S. Ramachander, “Effects of Brand Local and Nonlocal Origin on Consumer Attitudes in Developing Countries.” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2000, 9(2), pp. 83-95.
44. Shaoming Zou and S. Tamer Cavusgil “The GMS: A Broad Conceptualization of Global Marketing Strategy and Its Effect on Firm Performance.” Journal of Marketing, October 2002, 66, pp. 40-56.
45. Thomas J. Madden, Kelly Hewett, and Martin S. Roth, “Managing Images in Different Cultures: A Cross-National Study of Color Meanings and Preferences.” Journal of International Marketing, 2000, 8(4), pp. 90-107.
46. Zeynep Gurhan-Canli, and Durairaj Maheswaran, “Cultural Variations in Country-of-Origin Effects.” Journal of Marketing Research, August 2000, 37, pp. 309-317.
47. Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp, Rajeev batra, and Dana L. Alden, “How Perceived Brand Globalness Creates Brand Value.” Journal of International Business Studies, 2003, 34, pp. 53-65.
48. Patricia Sellers, “P&G: teaching an Old Dog New Tricks.” Fortune, May 31, 2004, pp. 167-180.
49. Craig N. Smith, “Corporate Social Responsibility: Whether or How?” California management Review, Summer 2003, 45(4), pp. 52-76.
50. Rajan Varadarajan and Anil Menon, “Cause-Related Marketing: A Co-Alignment of Marketing Strategy and Corporate Philanthrophy.” Journal of Marketing, 1988, 52, pp. 58-74.
51. Stephen Hoeffler and Kevin Lane Keller, “Building brand Equity through Corporate Societal Marketing.” Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Spring, 21(1), pp. 78-89.
2014/9/30 Chapter 1 黃萬傳
2014/10/7 Chapter 2 黃萬傳
2014/10/14 Chapter 3 黃萬傳
2014/10/21 Chapter 4 黃萬傳
2014/10/28 Chapter 5 黃萬傳
2014/11/4 Chapter 6 黃萬傳
2014/11/11 Chapter 7 黃萬傳
2014/11/18 Chapter 8 黃萬傳
2014/11/25 Chapter 9 黃萬傳
2014/12/2 Chapter 10 黃萬傳
2014/12/9 Chapter 11 黃萬傳
2014/12/16 Chapter 12 黃萬傳
2014/12/23 Chapter 13 黃萬傳
2014/12/30 Chapter 14 黃萬傳
2015/1/6 Chapter 15 黃萬傳
2015/1/13 Chapter 16 黃萬傳
2015/1/20 Chapter 17 黃萬傳
2015/1/27 Chapter 18 黃萬傳
評量方式 分數 評量方式 分數
 實作測驗   0  期中筆試  15
 隨堂筆試測驗   0  期末筆試  10
 小組作業   0  期中報告   0
 服務日誌   0  期末報告  20
 口試   0  專題報告  10
 個人上台報告  15  實作作品與反思   0
 小組上台報告   0  前後測比較進步與成長   0
 出席狀況  15  課堂參與與表現  10
 心得與反思報告  5  其他   0